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Don't want to Show the on-hand quantity.

Posted: Thu Aug 20, 2009 8:38 am
by Don
Hi All,

I just don't want to show the on-hand quantities for some specific items. Let me explain all of u witha an example.

For eg:- Generally companies purchase n no.of items but maximum items they want to keep record like wat's the remaining quantity & so on. But some items r there which they don't keep any records such as stationaries like Pen, Paper & so on. Like this there r some more items which they don't keep the records & don't want to check the on-hand quantity.

Where as in applications Items defined can be visible in on-hand quantity. But I want for some items on-quantity should not be show. Plz do the needful.


Posted: Thu Aug 20, 2009 9:35 am
by edmattu
Hi Manoj
As per your example , the item can be defined as expense item (uncheck the attribute in inventory Tab in master item> Inventory/Stockable/Transactable is NO)

In Po distribution the destination will be "Expense" and after receiving there will be no stock of those items.

Posted: Fri Aug 21, 2009 6:53 am
by Don
Hi Edmattu,
Thanks for ur support, But where as some items like Car, Van, Buildings & so on, for these type of items I don't wanna to show the on-hand quantity for that wat shall I do. And where as Cos. r keeping the Pen & Papers in an subinventory with respect to their stock locators. I'm using Item categories for which some items are needed to show the on-hand quantity & for some on-hand quantity is not required.

Thanks once again for ur support.
Wating for the reply......

Thanks & Regards,

Posted: Fri Aug 21, 2009 1:09 pm
by phani
Hi Manoj,

If the items are transferred to non-nettable subinventories, onhand qunatites will not be visible.


Posted: Fri Aug 28, 2009 9:20 am
by Don
Hey Phani,

Thanks for ur support. Now another problem when I am doing any Miscellaneous Issues or Receipt I wanna to view the accounting entries wat's the Dr. & Cr. amount & wanna to see the accounts which is hitting.But when after doing the miscellaneous transaction I am going to Material Transaction there go to Tools menu & select "View Accounting".
I ve read in an PDF Inventory Document. And I found no such "View Accounting" in the Tools Menu.

Waiting for the reply....


Posted: Mon Aug 31, 2009 12:58 pm
by phani
Hi Manoj,

Define the cost for the Item in the costing
Run Standard cost update programme
Do the Miscellaneous Receipt

then you can see the "view accounting" from material transaction

Normally Inv valution accout will be debited for miscellaneous Receipt


Posted: Thu Sep 17, 2009 9:12 am
by Don
Hey Phani,

Thanks for ur Support. If any queries I've will u shot out.

Wating for the reply....


Posted: Fri Sep 18, 2009 9:19 am
by Don
Hey Phani,

Here there's a new problem when I am performing the cycle count in the cycle count window in the Scope & Control Tab there we used to enable check box Unscheduled Entries. Wat does it mean & after every thing is over when I am going to Tools menu to "Perform full cycle count" I am getting an error. Please help me out.
